Imagine an exchange of opinions between a group of young, budding home cooks embarking on their joyful journey to Yummyville…
I like to cook lamb chops quickly, in a frying pan, on high heat. Only seven minutes later, dinner’s ready!
Start, fat edge held down in a hot pan to render the fat for cooking. This intensifies the wonderful taste of the juicy meat.
Minted Lamb with Mustard Mash
15 Minute Meals often promise lots but deliver little. This both promises and delivers. Enjoy the RECIPE – HERE.
House rules – to eat with fingers or cutlery?
Italians call Lamb Chops “agnello alla scottadito“: “Scottadito” literally means “burn your finger,” referring to the idea of eating the lamb chops so hot from the grill that you might burn your fingers.
Rib chops have their own little “handle”, which makes them perfect for picking up and eating with your fingers.
House rules. Ask the host. If they use their fingers, so may you.
I marinate my Lambchops overnight in olive oil, a little balsamic vinegar, crushed garlic, and a few sprigs of bruised Rosemary leaves.
Sounds good, I pan fry lamb chops and add a small combination of red wine, olive oil, rosemary, and mint to the mix. For me, it adds for a rich full flavour that complements the strong lamb meat.
Lamb Lollies & Curry Dip
Because it is a strong-tasting meat, lamb can take on a huge range of flavour – herbs, spices, sauces (especially Stokes Real Sauces).
French trim your chops to cutlets with a juicy ‘lolly’ at the end, then cook as you wish.
In the meantime, make (or heat a shop-ready) curry sauce, a basic masala will be perfect. If you want to make it hotter, add our Chilli Ketchup or hotter still with our Habanero HOT Sauce, or go for smoky heat with our Chipotle Chilli Ketchup.
Minted Salsa Verde Sauce
This is a simple, yet brilliant sauce to dip or to spoon over your chops. And, you’ll find the recipe – HERE.
Marinating in a Zip Lock bag is a huge time-saver. I often set the bag on a plate (or bowl) in the refrigerator, just in case it leaks.
Lamb Facts
- China: The world’s largest producer of lamb
- Australia: The second largest producer
- New Zealand: The third largest producer
- Turkey: The fourth largest
- Algeria: The fifth
- United Kingdom: Sixth.