Responsibly sourced, marinated beautifully, cooked superbly – BBQ fun, the fair way.
With the help of the RSPCA Farms Assurance scheme, our beef, sheep, pigs and poultry are generally extremely well cared for.
Look out for the RSPCA and Red Tractor badges of care and responsibility while shopping. Sourcing British produce really does make a difference.
Sweet Sticky Chicken.
Most of the chicken meat sold in this country have had fairer lives than imported sectioned birds. That said, demand for, and supply of Free Range birds is increasing quickly, reducing the price gap at the same time.
Bone out and flatten the chicken breast into escalopes, marinate in your selected Stokes BBQ Sauce (in this case Sweet & Sticky), and grill. The cut and treatment deliver quick, even cooking with wonderful flavours all round.
Pasta Salad.
A family favourite and just the right accompaniment for a BBQ. Cook the pasta, adding Stokes Real Mayonnaise and Sumac as it cools, perhaps a little British rapeseed oil too to stop the pieces sticking. Tenderstem broccoli, peppers, peas, beans – choose whatever you want, to add colour to your healthy side dish.
Hasselback Potatoes.
These make a crispy, elegant alternative to jackets. Slice, drizzle, season, bake. By the way they cook really well in the Air Fryer.
Hasselback potatoes got their name from the Swedish restaurant that created and popularised them. The Hasselbacken first served them in 1953.
And … to top it all – The BBQ Essentials Collection: