Blink and you miss it. British grown Asparagus has a tiny season of just 6 to 8 weeks. So, get ready, it starts today. Get your favourite recipes dusted off, or start looking up something new.
Asparagus is a precious crop with the most amazing, almost unique flavour. It should be the absolute star of the plate and cooked simply.
The Snap.
The spears will tell you where they need to break, separating the harder, woody base from the tender top end of the spear and tip. Just hold the tender end (tip) in your left hand (like a bicycle handle); with the thicker end in your right, pulling it down firmly (like a door handle) – and it will snap in just the right place.
The tender spear you cook but, don’t through the thicker end away. Bruise it with the back of a knife and use it to make delicious stock, or add it to soup like the Dutch Mustard Soup (above).
Keep it Simple
Make it the star of the show. Simply grilled, roast or steamed, seasoned and dressed with a little olive oil, perhaps Hollandaise and a poached egg.
British Asparagus
Eat it every day for 6 weeks – then wait until next Spring, and start again.
The British Asparagus Association